Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Prom Emergency: I Don’t Have a Date!

I’m sure this is a big fear for a lot of girls and guys out there. Prom is only a few days away and you are still without a date! Oh no! To some this might seem like the end of the world, but not to you. Just because your date got sick, bailed, or was too boring to go out with (you want to talk about your cat AGAIN!?) you can still have an amazing Prom!


Just because you don’t have a date doesn’t mean you can’t have an amazing night. You’re free to do what you want, wear what you want, act how you want, and no one can tell you otherwise. Wear that amazing dress that wouldn’t match anyone’s tux, do your hair up with birds and sailboats, and show up in style with a private car. The options are endless when you don’t have to depend on anyone else to have a good time.

Plan the Prom After Party

So your date got the flu...bummer for them but not for you! You can host the after prom party with no worries at all. Everyone will be impressed as you show off your party skills, creative talents, and hosting abilities. You can wear whatever you want (even your PJ’s since it is your party) and maybe they’ll even be some other single prom goers to entertain. Whatever the outcome, your friends will remember how you made their prom amazing and not how your date was a no show.

Prom Pals

If some of your friends are dateless as well, make a party out of it! Why waste time meeting your dates parents, taking weird photos, or sitting in some stuffy restaurant? You and your friends can take the extra cash you saved and get a stretch limo, order french fries and burgers, and take all the amazing photos you want. Photobooth? Done. Selfies? Done. Group photo in front of an oddly placed column and flower pot? Done AND Done. While everyone else is having to impress a date they’d rather ditch, you and your friends are making prom the best girls night ever!

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